This week is huge. It marks the release of my first public tune-age (read: a listenable, promoted music release) since 2011 (!). On February 24, I’m releasing the split EP Young Professionals with A Day Without Love. It’s coming out on all your favorite digital services. 

To celebrate, I’m posting a lyric video per day on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and videos on song meanings from Friday – Sunday. I’ll edit this post to include each lyric video so they all have one cozy post roof over their digital heads. 

Today’s video includes my first song on the Young Professionals EP, and the fourth song overall, “Kim”. This is the EP version (obviously), not the alt version I posted earlier this month. Enjoy, and check this post over the next few days for the other two lyric videos. And hey, this may be a good time to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

If you haven’t heard, I’m tackling a project per month for a year and calling it 12 Months of Stuff. Subscribe to my newsletter for monthly updates as well, and follow me on Twitter. Use the hash tag #12MonthsOfStuff to let me know the small steps you’re taking to get to where you want to be.
