Toast with the most
Onward to August! Last month I hashed out some good ideas, but life hit hard as I got married (!). Most of my July time was spent on wedding things.
So again, I’m finding it’s best to strip a project back to the studs. For July, I had aimed to set up an Etsy store for my random art projects, and sell a few prints. Between figuring out a shop name and getting married (!!) I realized it would be easier to focus on the basics. Instead of revisiting the Etsy shop in August, I’m simply going to draw every day.
I’ll post some stuff on Instagram here and there, and recap collections of drawings here on the blog. I may try to get crafty and make my own prints, but there’s no pressure to sell. Let’s just have some fun and draw some dope stuff (he shouts to himself in a void)!
I’m still aiming to write more about my processes and lessons learned, so stay tuned. Thanks for hanging around while I figure all this out!
In love & stuff,